What I'm up to right now.

Current life thought:

I've decided that I want to spend my life doing complex problem solving for the things that others aren't getting paid to do and will help the most people in the most positive ways. At the moment it seems like this is the intersection of connecting stakeholders to be more aligned in order to make coordinated decisions to combat climate change.

Current activities:

Since my grandma is living with us, I've been very precautious and limited a lot of usual activities like in-person conferences, networking, and dancing. The activities I'm doing during this time are focused around learning, watching YouTube videos, virtual networking, surfing, reading and writing, sketching concepts and making systems diagrams to communicate complicated ideas more simply.

Current things I'm learning:

Information architecture, taxonomy systems, tokens, reputation systems, data federation.

Things I've learned this past 6 months:

Regenerative economics, cooperatives, sustainable design, political systems, campaigning, how to be profitable and net positive as a business.


Current things I'm looking for:

Debating and philosophizing around issues and problems

Being featured on podcasts or radio shows

Consulting projects for mapping, systems design

Current things I'm offering:

I'm offering services including brand development, web design, strategy, systems mapping, ideation.


Current projects:

Lets Work Together
Contact FORM